Countdown 2015 Europe and Brussels-based CSO partners are pleased to share two infographic factsheets that explain to new EU policymakers why they should support sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). One sets the scene on why SRHR are so crucial and highlights the EU’s strong track record in supporting them, urging new MEPs to keep up the momentum in the face of budget cuts. The other presents data and trends in SRHR in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, highlighting major challenges in the area of health, family planning and HIV/AIDS, and what EU policymakers can do to help. Read the factsheets below, or download them here: Why it’s time to step up on SRHR and SRHR in the ACP.

New data on European donor support to sexual & reproductive health & rights worldwide
March 7, 2023
Now is when standing by our values matters most. We must treat all people with dignity and humanity, not despite, but because we are faced

Tracking what counts: A Trends Analysis of European Donor Support to Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights & Family Planning 2021-2022
March 7, 2023
The period 2021-2022 was challenging with dimmed prospects of a post-pandemic recovery and European donors struggled to maintain their financial support to sexual and reproductive

The EU’s bilateral and regional cooperation with partner countries What’s in it for SRHR?
January 31, 2023
Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are a key part of people’s lives. When people, in particular women, youth, and people who live in