The world is facing a contraceptive funding crisis. This leads to women having to choose between feeding their families or accessing family planning services. If funding from donors and governments doesn’t increase beyond current levels, the cost burden on women will become even greater.
Countdown 2030 Europe has developed a guide for advocates working to increase the support donors provide for contraceptive supplies financing in low- and middle-income countries. It includes an overview of current trends in donor finance and tailored recommendations on how to engage donors in meaningful and impactful ways. These recommendations are meant to achieve an impact in advocacy for increased donor finance; increase efficiency to stretch donor funds further; improve sustainability and help reduce inequities; for transition countries, recommendations focus on reducing procurement costs and supporting new domestic financing initiatives.
Read the full report in English.
A brief version of the report – to be used by policy makers – is also available in English, in Spanish & in French.

Photo: IPPF_Tommy-Trenchard_Malawi