Universal health coverage: sexual and reproductive health and rights as a top priority
In this summary briefing we outline critical areas that need to be addressed and included in the conversations in the lead up to the High-Level
In this summary briefing we outline critical areas that need to be addressed and included in the conversations in the lead up to the High-Level
In the spirit of the international aid effectiveness agenda, the EU is committed to better coordinate, align and harmonise its development assistance with that of
Trends in bilateral, government-to-government, funding for development aid and sexual and reproductive health have been shifting over the past few years. Several European countries prioritize
Because She Counts in a global movement run by Countdown 2030 Europe and made up of those working in the field of family planning (FP) from
Access to Family planning is essential to ensuring women and girls meet their full potential. When women and girls have access to family planning, they
The world is facing a contraceptive funding crisis. This leads to women having to choose between feeding their families or accessing family planning services. If
Check out the latest highlights of our recent activities & impact! In this issue we focus on the next EU Budget and what it means for
The European Union (EU) is a unique actor in the development cooperation field – contributions from EU institutions and its 28 Member States make it
Check out the latest highlights of our recent activities & impact! Over the past few months, Countdown 2030 Europe partners organised several events to mark
One year on from the international SheDecides conference, Countdown 2030 Europe takes a look at what European donor governments have pledged to support the new