
Access to contraception in Spain, not an issue? Think again!
You wouldn’t expect access to contraception to be an issue in EU countries like Spain, would you? But too many girls and women are still

Countdown 2030 Europe holds governments to account at the High Level Political Forum
Realising Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 and 5, including universal access to sexual and reproductive health, is key for sustainable development and a pre-requisite for

Working towards new additional funding for SRH/FP in the EU Annual Budget 2018
Countdown 2030 Europe Brussels-based partners successfully proposed amendments to the EU Annual Budget 2018 on human development. The Annual Budget is a key instrument to ensure that

“Unveiling the SDGs’ Silent Killer”: Barriers to Contraceptive Access for Young People
By Sophie, SRH youth champion By the time I had left secondary school at the age of 13, ten of my friends had become pregnant.

Countdown 2030 Europe at the Family Planning Summit London
Approximately $5 billion was pledged to increase access to sexual and reproductive health services in developing countries at the London Family Planning Summit last month. The summit, coinciding with

My Three Key Takeaways Fom ‘The Morning After’ The Family Planning Summit
By Abigail Rowlands, SRHR Policy and Advocacy Officer, Plan UK and UK Coordinator, Action for Global Health On 11th July, the UK Government hosted the Family Planning