This factsheet is a synopsis of our analysis on European donor financial and policy support to SRH/FP across 12 European donor countries, collected by Countdown 2030 Europe national partners. We have seen a 12% increase in funding to FP despite considerable challenges posed by falling levels of ODA and a growing pressure on resources due to the refugee crisis. The factsheet calls for continued commitment of European governments for SRH/FP. Click to read full factsheet here!
New data on European donor support to sexual & reproductive health & rights worldwide
March 7, 2023
Now is when standing by our values matters most. We must treat all people with dignity and humanity, not despite, but because we are faced
Tracking what counts: A Trends Analysis of European Donor Support to Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights & Family Planning 2021-2022
March 7, 2023
The period 2021-2022 was challenging with dimmed prospects of a post-pandemic recovery and European donors struggled to maintain their financial support to sexual and reproductive
The EU’s bilateral and regional cooperation with partner countries What’s in it for SRHR?
January 31, 2023
Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are a key part of people’s lives. When people, in particular women, youth, and people who live in