A new briefing produced by Countdown 2030 Europe, IPPF European Network and Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW) has concluded that improved and more equitable access to basic services, including healthcare, were strong features of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement (CPA). The CPA has led to improved child and maternal health and the fight against HIV/AIDS, among others. The evaluation also showed however that population growth was not given sufficient attention, contributing to further vulnerability in ACP countries.
The current CPA will give way in 2020 to a new partnership. Ongoing discussions aim at identifying a framework that is fit for purpose for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its 17 universal Sustainable Development Goals. The CPA has had some success where it did focus on SRH and family planning (FP). This has contributed to a decline in maternal mortality. Nevertheless, more could be done. The ACP region, especially sub-Saharan Africa, still faces major challenges in the area of health, FP and HIV/AIDS. Therefore the new framework should urgently continue and expand its focus on this sector. This paper lays out recommendations to EU decision-makers on how to futher build on CPA accomplishments, and enable further progress on SRHR and FP.
Click here to read the full paper.
Photo: Isabel-Corthier_Mozambique