tag: News

What’s new? June 2022

Check out the latest news and resources from Countdown. In this issue: domestic resource mobilisation for SRHR, Covid-19 and SRH in low and middle income

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What’s new? May 2021

Countdown 2030 Europe puts forward a number of recommendations on the main challenges facing gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) which

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What’s new? May 2020

We are launching our 2020 #BecauseSheCounts social media campaign. Join us! In our 2020 campaign we recognise the commitments made by European governments to women

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What’s new? February 2020

European donor countries care about sexual and reproductive safety and freedom as the newest tracking data of their expenditures on SRH/FP shows. In this issue

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What’s new? May 2019

In this issue we look at how European donors are supporting family planning through their development aid and how committed they remain over time.  We

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Because She Counts!

Access to Family planning is essential to ensuring women and girls meet their full potential. When women and girls have access to family planning, they

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