What’s New? July 2017


Over the past few months, Countdown 2030 Europe co-organised a key high-level panel entitled “Key solutions for development: family planning and youth empowerment”, our partners also ensured that family planning and sexual and reproductive health were firmly embedded in the new European Consensus for Development. Rutgers surprised members of the newly formed parliamentary committee on international trade and development cooperation with a ‘Happy Box’ at an event in the Dutch parliament, which went down a treat! Click here to read the articles in full. To download the pdf version, click here.

Illustration: Jana Dobreva for Fine Acts

What’s new? June 2022

Check out the latest news and resources from Countdown. In this issue: domestic resource mobilisation for SRHR, Covid-19 and SRH in low and middle income

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What’s new? May 2021

Countdown 2030 Europe puts forward a number of recommendations on the main challenges facing gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) which

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What’s new? January 2021

In this first 2021 issue of our newsletter we share the latest data on European donor support to SRH/FP, information on our side-event during the

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