What’s new? May 2021

Countdown 2030 Europe puts forward a number of recommendations on the main challenges facing gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) which could bring about real change in the lives of women and girls worldwide. We’re talking about the linkages between SRHR and economic justice, digital care and climate justice.

More here.

What’s new? June 2022

Check out the latest news and resources from Countdown. In this issue: domestic resource mobilisation for SRHR, Covid-19 and SRH in low and middle income

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What’s new? January 2021

In this first 2021 issue of our newsletter we share the latest data on European donor support to SRH/FP, information on our side-event during the

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What’s new? November 2020

In this issue, more about rights under pressure and how European donor governments are reacting to threats to sexual and reproductive rights, how will family

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