What’s new? March 2018

Check out the latest highlights of our recent activities & impact! Over the past few months, Countdown 2030 Europe partners organised several events to mark the She Decides anniversary, sent a delegation to the sixty-second session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and raised awareness about the importance of SRH/FP in Sub-Saharan Africa. Also check out our section with the latest resources including an overview of European donor governments pledges for ‘She Decides’, six guiding criteria for donor engagement with the private sector, and the analysis of the 2017 trends in SRH/FP policies and funding by European donor countries.

Click here to read more!

Illustration: Jana Dobreva for Fine Acts

What’s new? June 2022

Check out the latest news and resources from Countdown. In this issue: domestic resource mobilisation for SRHR, Covid-19 and SRH in low and middle income

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What’s new? May 2021

Countdown 2030 Europe puts forward a number of recommendations on the main challenges facing gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) which

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What’s new? January 2021

In this first 2021 issue of our newsletter we share the latest data on European donor support to SRH/FP, information on our side-event during the

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