The link between sexual and reproductive health and rights and the European Green Deal

Overcoming the challenges of the climate crisis and environmental degradation is a key priority for the EU, including in its international cooperation.

The European Commission has recognised this, amongst others in the 2020 Communication on the future EU – Africa Strategy that specifically states the EU and Africa should work towards healthy ecosystems, limiting and halting global overheating, reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing opportunities for people and ecosystems to adapt. This requires stepping up efforts on climate crisis mitigation and resilience as well as taking adequate adaptation measures in a socially sustainable way. This is in line with the European Green Deal, presented in 2019, which contains an action plan on how the EU wants to address these challenges. It foresees actions in different domains (including climate ambition; clean, affordable and secure energy; industrial strategy for a clean and circular economy; sustainable and smart mobility; …).

While not specifically addressed, there are several linkages between sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and the issues included in the European Green Deal. As it would lead too far to address all of these issues, this factsheet will focus specifically on the climate crisis and environmental degradation.

Read the factsheet.

Photo: © IPPF – ABUBEF – Clinic Bujumbura Burunndi