Our recommendations on Financing for Development

Countdown 2015 Europe has developed a set of recommendations to European governments for the new global partnership and means of implementation that will deliver and finance the post-2015 development agenda. We are calling for a transformative people-centred partnership that has poverty elimination, gender equality and human rights as its basic principles. Our recommendations are based on the view that the overall goal of sustainable development can only be achieved if there is adequate financing for SRHR and FP that includes all populations and sectors and does not leave the most marginalized people behind.

C2015E’s asks for financing for development (FfD) include the following areas: ensuring recognition and funding of enablers for global public goods and sustainable development; recommitting within a clear timeframe to ODA of 0.7% of GNI that targets poor people and countries; having domestic finance with human rights and gender equality at its core; and enabling inclusiveness and universality through disaggregation of data.

We presented these recommendations at our recent meeting with European civil servant, UN and CSO experts in view of the Third International Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa in July and the ongoing EU and UN negotiations in preparation for the post-2015 framework. If you would like to know more about our recommendations, please download this background paper.