Innovation – reaching the global goals for contraceptives

On 6th July, Countdown 2015 Europe partner in SwedenRFSU, is organizing a panel discussion on how to advance access to modern contraceptives in an innovative way in order to achieve the global goals for Family Planning in Agenda 2030 and Family Planning 2020 (FP2020).

The objective of RFSU´s event is to create political and public awareness of the unmet need for modern contraceptives, discuss new solutions, as well as the need to increase efforts to meet the global goals. The panel will address Swedish development cooperation and Sweden´s contribution and role as a global actor with its expertise and commitments to sexual and reproductive health and rights. The strong political voice of the feminist government in relation to human rights and gender equality, and its added value in relation to increased access to contraceptives, will be highlighted.

The panelists will focus on the importance of the possibility to choose different types of contraceptive methods, how to address unequal power relations that hinders access, as well as how to increase the demand for contraceptives. Innovative solutions and ways of advancing the agenda, including from a research point of view, and financial solutions around it, will be further discussed.

The seminar will be held in Almedalen, where Swedish policy-makers, political parties and their leaders, civil society, institutions, media, researchers and private sector, meet once a year during a week, to discuss politics, including international development cooperation.

The moderator for the event is Maria Andersson, Secretary General of RFSU, with the following panelists:
– Ulrika Modeer, State Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
– Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson, Professor, Karolinska Institute
– Magnus Magnusson, Head, Government Relations, Nordics, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
– Joachim Beijmo, Director of Communications, Sida

 This is a Countdown 2015 Europe event in series “Advance Human Rights, Invest in Family Planning”.

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