Countdown 2030 Europe unveils commitments to the Nairobi Summit on sexual and reproductive care

The Countdown 2030 Europe Consortium brings together 15 leading national and Brussels-based non-governmental organisations. We draw on our 10-year track record as a key influencer in driving Europe’s global leadership on family planning and sexual and reproductive health. We see European support as critical to meeting the FP2020 target of enabling 120 million additional women and girls to access modern contraceptives by 2020, and to achieving the SDGs, especially targets 3.7 and 5.6.

The importance of the Consortium’s work in ensuring a continued progressive voice for Europe on sexual reproductive health and family planning has never been more critical. We’re faced with a changing political, economic and financial environment. The European landscape is increasingly affected by rising populism, conservatism and Eurosceptism. As Countdown 2030 Europe, we are particularly concerned to ensure that the European donor community continues to be a strong champion within this challenging context. We call on European governments to further step up and accelerate strong political and financial commitments in their overseas development policies, which safeguard and champion safe and dignified reproductive lives for all.

As a watchdog of the financial and policy commitments made by European donors, we promote transparency and hold our governments accountable for the promises made at national, regional and global levels. 

In support of accelerating progress towards achieving the ICPD Plan of Action, Countdown 2030 Europe commits to: 

  • Encourage 12 European Donor Governments and European Commission to increase or sustain financial commitments to Sexual Reproductive Health and Family Planning (SRH/FP) in Overseas Development Aid and new funding modalities, and champion SRH/FP in policy commitments at national, regional and global levels by 2030.
  • Deliver yearly data-driven tracking and accountability of 12 European Donor Governments and European Commission’s financial and policy commitments to SRH/FP and FP2020.