
Opinion: When her future is out of her control we all lose
By Cosmina Marian, IPPF EN We continue to work against our own interests by not prioritizing the empowerment of women and achieving gender equality. We

The emergency continues in Ambae, Vanuatu
By Riikka Kaukoranta, Väestöliitto (C2030E Finnish partner) Inhabitants of the island in Vanuatu who have been forced to evacuate their homes in the wake of

Contraceptive funding in crisis (updated)
By Raffaela Dattler, IPPF Currently, some 214 million women and girls in developing regions have an unmet need for modern contraception. These are women and

Sexual & reproductive health in bilateral aid
By Cosmina Marian, IPPF EN Which European donor countries are going the extra mile to ensure sexual and reproductive health, including family planning, is part

European donors put their money where their mouth is
By Joke Lannoye, IPPF EN In 2017, European contributions to sexual and reproductive health and family planning (SRH/FP) exceeded €2.1 billion, a 10% increase compared

World Contraception Day: Contraceptive funding in crisis
By Raffaela Dattler, IPPF On this World Contraception Day, some 214 million women and girls in developing regions have an unmet need for modern contraception. These are women