
The work for SRHR will continue – Feelings after CPD51
By Elina Korhonen, Väestöliitto (C2030E partner) The 51st session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD 51) took place in New York just last week.

At CPD51 – a roller-coaster of hope and despair for the international SRHR agenda!
By Kjersti Augland, Sex og Politikk (C2030E partner) Wednesday 11 April, three days into this year’s Commission on Population and Development (CPD). The largest international

Public sector funding for contraceptives. Where do we go from here?
By Raffaela Dattler, Financing for Development Advisor, International Planned Parenthood Federation Currently, 214 million women of reproductive age in developing regions have an unmet need for

Report proving the importance of SRH/FP in Sub-Saharan Africa prompts support from new German government
By Astrid Valentiner, Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW) A new study was conducted by the Berlin Institute for Population and Development on behalf of the Deutsche

Three quick tips and tricks to survive CSW. Lessons learned from CSW62
By Mette Kirstine Schmidt, Danish Family Planning Association (C2030E partner) The session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is an amazing opportunity to learn

Highlighting SRHR in emergencies can be life-saving on International Women’s Day
We must not forget… …humanitarian crises intensify sexual and reproductive health related challenges, and the need for family planning services and supplies becomes more acute