New data on European donor support to sexual & reproductive health & rights worldwide
Now is when standing by our values matters most. We must treat all people with dignity and humanity, not despite, but because we are faced
Now is when standing by our values matters most. We must treat all people with dignity and humanity, not despite, but because we are faced
The period 2021-2022 was challenging with dimmed prospects of a post-pandemic recovery and European donors struggled to maintain their financial support to sexual and reproductive
European donors have stepped up, and instead of plunging contributions to SRH/FP in their international cooperation, they have in fact increased support in 2020: data
The realisation of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is a necessary precondition for achieving economic justice. A number of different components together form
The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time. It threatens our planet, society, and economy. Climate-related emergencies, such as extreme weather
The Countdown 2030 Europe Consortium welcomes the efforts of the government of the French Republic, the Government of Mexico and UN Women to convene a
Digitalisation offers amazing opportunities for health and empowerment around the world, but ensuring equitable participation in the internet age throws up many challenges, and the
Long before COVID-19 struck, progressive governments in Europe were at the forefront of global action to support SRHR. Countdown 2030 Europe new analysis concluded that
Sustainable growth and jobs creation are a priority of the European Commission in its internal and external policies. In its recent EU-Africa strategy, the Commission
Digitalisation offers amazing opportunities for health and empowerment around the world, but ensuring equitable participation in the internet age throws up many challenges, and the